$15.00 - $40.00
Service Call
Disease Screens
Avian Polyomavirus (APV) or Budgerigar Fledgling
Disease (BFD) is a widespread virus found in different degrees
throughout the world.In adult birds, Polyomavirus can be present in a carrier
state, with birds appearing clinically normal until they undergo some form of stress.
APV seems to be most deadly among neonates (young birds) between
the age of 15 to 56 days.Some infected birds die without developing any clinical
signs of disease, while others die within 12 to 48 hours after developing clinical
signs. These signs include depression, loss of appetite, weight loss, delayed crop
emptying, vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding under the skin. Infected birds that do
not show signs of the disease create a special opportunity for the virus to spread
from bird to bird.
Polyomavirus is generally transmitted horizontally (bird to bird) and possibly
transmitted horizontally (via the egg), yet vertical transmission remains unproven.
Polyomavirus seems to be more prevalent in Macaws, Conures, Eclectus Parrots,
Ringneck Parakeets, Lovebirds, Cockatiels and Budgies than in other psittacine species.
Chlamydia Psittaci , or Psittacosis,
infects all species of birds at any age. Early clinical signs include weight loss
due to liver disease, anorexia, hypothermia, lethargy, and yellowish-green gelatinous
droppings. Severe depression eventually occurs leading to death in as many as 40%
of all cases. However, when detected early, chlamydia psittaci can be effectively
treated with antibiotics.
Some strains of chlamydia bacteria excreted by birds and mammals can cause disease
in humans. Humans may become infected by close physical contact with an infected
bird, or inhale aerosols or dust containing chlamydia psittaci. Contact
your doctor for more information regarding chlamydia psittaci.
Pacheco's Disease
Pacheco's Disease is a part of the herpes virus family
(120 and 220 nm diameter, double stranded DNA), and is a virus that causes disease
in a wide variety of psittacine species. A percentage of birds die with virtually
no clinical signs of the disease while others die following periods of lethargic
behavior, anorexia, ruffled plumage, diarrhea. Birds generally die from massive
liver necrosis characterized by an enlarged liver, spleen and kidneys. Infected
birds shed the virus through feces in as little as 3-7 days after infection. Birds
in direct contact (same enclosure) with infected birds shed the virus within 7 days.
New World psittacines seem to be more susceptible to the disease than Old World
Beak & Feather Virus
Part of a new family of viruses known as Circoviridae, Psittacine
Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) virus is the smallest known virus
capable of causing disease. The disease is thought to be specific for psittacines
(parrots and parakeets) and all psittacine species should be considered susceptible.
Parrots known to be particularly affected by PBFD include, but
are not limited to, Cockatoos, Macaws, African Grey Parrots, Ringneck Parakeets,
Eclectus Parrots, Lovebirds.
Incubation periods for PBFD range from a minimum of 21 days to
a maximum of 18 months. Clinical signs include rapid weight loss, depression, shedding
of developing feathers, development of abnormal feathers, beak elongation and abnormal
growth, and eventual death. Viral transmission is possible through contact with
infected feces, crop secretions, feather dust, infected materials and surfaces.
It is also thought to be possible for the virus to be transmitted in a developing
DNA Sexing
DNA Databanking
DNA Fingerprinting
$ CALL $
We serve organic vegetables, fruits and hot mixes twice a day.
We serve filtered water.
Air is filtered using an Alpine air filtration system (available for purchase).
Perch time is related to the disposition of your bird.
24/7 ATT monitoring
ICU - with medication/oxygen/nebulization
Air Transport
Delay Fee (Additional Charge by ½ Hour)
$ CALL $
(Kennels/Documentation Additional)
Health Certification
Counter Service
¼ hour (minimum)
Hatch Certificates